Thursday, 29 April 2010

Evaluation question 3

What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?

Institutions are established, profit based organisations that create and distribute media products including advirtisment and entertainment. The are institutions in all areas of the media world from computer gaming (Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo) to the film industry (Dreamworks, Film4 and 20th century fox). An institution can dominate a market in media, for example microsoft and Sony in the games market. In the film part of the media world, studios such as Warner Bros and 20th century fox are the main film producing and distributing institutions. For our media product to be recognised and seen in the world we would need to choose an institution to distribute our final product.

We have chosen to distribute our product through Film4 productions. It is a well known and popular film distributor that is capable of distributing high and low budget films. Due to our film being low budget this would be perfect. Film4 productions has created and distributed many high quality films that include This is England, Borat: Cultural learning of America for make benefits of glorious nation of Kazakhstan and slumdog millionaire. Film4 also has its own television channel, this would allow our product to get air time without having to pay extra money to another channel such as ITV, BBC or sky movies.

We included the text "In association with Film4" into the credits of our film to make the audience aware of this. Another reason we chose Film4 to distribute our product is due to another feature of the Film4 channel. They regularly show theme nights or seasons, for example fright fest, which was a season which included such horror films as Wolf Creek and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Since our film fits into the horror genre it could be shown in one of Film4's theme seasons or nihgts and thus get more airtime.

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